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Descendants of Nicolas & Marguerite Patenostre
Rev. Gerard Patenaude's letter

Author of "A PAT(E)NAUDE (1990) PATNODE (1800) PATERNOSTRE (1260) STORY"

Letter from Rev. Gerard Patenaude, author of "A Patenaude...Story" to Dan Pattenaude, designer of this website.

47 River Street
Augusta, Maine
USA 04330

September 1, 2000

Dan Pattenaude
771 D'Andrea Court
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Re Patenaude Book

Dear Dan,

I was pleasantly surprised last evening when my brother Dr. Ray Patenaude gave me your correspondence with Rick Tardif. I learned that you were very interested in the book I published 10 years ago to mark the centennial of my grandfather's settling in Augusta, ME. In 1990, I organized a Patenaude, Pattenaude, Patnode reunion in Augusta. I sent out at least 1,000 invitations only to those living in the US. We had 300 people from all over the US. I was counting on a friend in Montreal to organize a reunion there because it is in Montreal and Longueuil where most of the Patenaudes are. He was an editor who had worked all his life on the family history, but he passed away and so did our project. His name was J.Z. Leon Patenaude. He left all his research in the public library of Longueuil. Those two reunions were held to prepare a general celebration in Quebec-Ile d'Orleans marking the 350th anniversary of Nicolas' coming and marriage in Quebec.

I will suggest you get in contact with two persons that are very interested in the family history and have been very active in its promotion. First, Marie Pearce. She published a few times a year some bulletins on the family. She was at our reunion. I have not heard from her since 1994. The other is Lucette Paquette. She organized a Patenaude reunion and it was a great success. She was also at our reunion. She was working for the University of Ottawa.

As for me, you can be sure that I am 100 percent for your project and God willing, I will be at the celebration with all my family and others. As you can see, I have a computer (old model) and no windows. I will be going to the Seminary of Sherbrooke in two weeks for a couple of months. I am 84 but as our Vice-President Al Gore says "I am still my own man". I am sending you my brother's card. He will be happy to hear from you.

Good luck!!!

Sincerely yours,

Gerard Patenaude

P.S. The President of the University of Southern Maine spells his name with 2 T's like you do.

Rev. Gilbert A. Patenaude

Should you have any comments on this website, please contact the website designer, Dan Pattenaude